Apparel exporters in the United States need to pay attention to chemical management when issuing a n
2019-04-28 08:17:29
Recently, the American Garment and Footwear Association released the 20th edition of the Restricted Substances List (RSL), which was compiled by the Environmental Task Force of the American Garment and Footwear Association. It lists the strictest regulations prohibiting or restricting the use of certain materials and chemicals in various countries, aiming to provide garment and footwear companies with restrictions or prohibitions on the use of certain materials in home textiles, garments and footwear products worldwide. 化学品和物质的法律法规信息。
The new edition mainly revises the regulations and changes of pesticides, flame retardants, metal parts in metals, cadmium and phthalate esters in various countries, including the addition of testing methods for certain substances, the national scope and strictest requirements for the control of certain chemicals such as pesticides, flame retardants and phthalates, and the addition or change of the names and CAS numbers of some chemicals.
Textile, clothing and footwear products are Wujiang's traditional superior export products. In the first quarter of this year, exports amounted to 5.85 billion yuan, accounting for 23.7% of the total exports, an increase of 12.3% compared with the same period last year.
Wujiang Customs reminds relevant export enterprises that they should actively use RSL lists to manage their chemicals, so as to avoid the restriction of export market due to incomplete understanding. Enterprises should take the initiative to study the RSL list and analyze the main revision points in the new version of the list. Especially, they should extract the chemical restriction requirements related to their own products. If necessary, they can seek the help of professional and authoritative certification agencies or government departments to clarify the relevant regulations to be complied with by different exporting countries. Secondly, according to the most stringent requirements of each country and the characteristics of its products, enterprises should formulate a set of common standard requirements corresponding to important exporting countries, reduce the burden of frequent changes in product-related requirements due to different exporting countries or regions, and reduce the testing costs. Finally, enterprises should improve their adaptability and timely improve the limited content of related chemicals or substances according to different customer requirements, so as to open up a larger market for more advantageous products.
ChangZhou KeKen Textile Co.,LTD. 苏ICP备17012039号-2
Telephone:86-519-83339992 83339993 Address:NO.3 ,CHANGYAO ROAD,CHANGZHOU,CHINA